Over 4 decades of experience in

Revenue Administration and Tax Policy Development


Tax Administration Improvement

Apply best international practices to improve tax administration.

Tax Policy Enhanced

Develop strategies for broadening the tax base whilst keeping tax rates to a minimum.

Combat Corruption

There is no effective tax collection without integrity. Corruption must be combatted at all levels for tax reform to succeed.

Core Skills

  • Spearheaded Transformative Tax Reforms through Creative and Visionary Leadership,

  • Built consensus to advance reforms at the Vice President, Ministerial and Ambassador levels everywhere, and interacted directly with Heads of State in Kiribati, Rwanda, and Burundi, 

  • Successfully Implemented Critical Policy Changes under Significant Duress to Enhance Fiscal Frameworks and Compliance.

  • Deep Understanding of Political Economy,

  • Strong track Record in Improving Revenue Collection and Facilitating Investment and Economic Development,

  • Expertise in Communications, Human Resources Development and Enhancement of IT Systems,

  • Successful Record of Building Capacity and Growing Expertise. 

Featured Project

USAID-DRM4D (Domestic Revenue Mobilization for Development) Activity

As Chief of Party of the USAID-DRM4D Activity in Uganda since January 2020, Kieran Holmes led efforts to enhance tax policy and administration. Highlights include revising tax laws, analyzing Double Taxation Agreements, and conducting assessments on Excise Duty and Tax Expenditures. Kieran facilitated extensive tax policy training, supported the Uganda Revenue Authority, expanded property tax bases in cities, and fostered trust between taxpayers and officials. Kieran also advocated for increased public spending in key sectors.


Myriad skills are needed for effective tax reform. These will include providing effective leadership and strategic direction to the tax administration, ensuring that the taxpayer base is effectively registered and that the tax base is broadened as much as possible. Many countries have ineffective and costly investment promotion incentives, and these must be critically evaluated to compare costs from revenue foregone with the benefits received. Effective project management is critical as is advising the revenue administration on its optimal structure.
