I joined the Irish Revenue straight out of Trinity College, Dublin and studied tax law and accounting there whilst getting terrific work experience in tax administration. I left the Irish Revenue in 1984 to begin my overseas career in Kiribati in the Central Pacific. Even today, I maintain close ties with Irish Revenue colleagues.
Addressing the Irish Revenue-Uganda Revenue Authority dinner to mark the signing of the Letter of Agreement between Revenue Irish Tax and Customs and Uganda Revenue Authority February 2024.
Trinity College, Dublin
Dublin Castle, July 2023. Working with Irish and Ugandan colleagues, I facilitated the first high-level study visit of senior Uganda Revenue Authority and Ministry of Finance colleagues to Dublin. This visit resulted in the creation of a formal agreement between the Irish Revenue and URA that was signed in Kampala in February 2024.
Participants at the Development Partners Friends of URA meeting held at URA in February 2024 pose for a group photograph.
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