The Tax, Audit and Transparency (TAUT) Programme was a DFID funded bilateral technical assistance to the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) in 2015 to 2017.
The Programme set out to improve the GoE’s tax system, its audit and oversight functions and its anti-corruption practices. The expected outcome was increased domestic revenues and improved accountability and transparency, with the overall goal of effective management of public resources to help in delivering the Growth and Transformation Plan of the GoE.
The Tax, Audit and Transparency (TAUT) Programme was a DFID funded bilateral technical assistance to the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) in 2015 to 2017.
The Programme set out to improve the GoE’s tax system, its audit and oversight functions and its anti-corruption practices. The expected outcome was increased domestic revenues and improved accountability and transparency, with the overall goal of effective management of public resources to help in delivering the Growth and Transformation Plan of the GoE.
As Chief of Party, I was responsible for the technical leadership and in-country management of the programme. I provided the strategic direction and engaged directly with the GoE to maintain a strong focus on delivering programme outcomes. I managed the long-term expatriate and national staff and the short-term experts in the achievement of project results.
TAUT Achievements Summary
Tax Administration
Assisted the Ethiopia Revenue and Customs Authority (ERCA) in dramatically increasing the efficiency of the computerised tax system and enabling electronic tax filing for large taxpayers,
Produced key documents such as a Draft Communications Strategy, compliance initiatives, ERCA governance discussion document, ICT Options paper, and a roadmap for new tax IT system acquisition,
Facilitated and accompanied the ERCA senior management study tour to Rwanda and Tanzania to learn best practices,
Supported ERCA in their planned application for joining the East African Revenue Authorities' Forum,
Produced a Tax Policy Capacity Assessment paper for Ministry of Finance, Economy, and Cooperation (MoFEC),
Facilitated training from the UK’s HMRC on Customer Charter, CRM, tax policy, debt management, risk analytics, transfer pricing.
Developed 57-course training curriculum for Office of Federal Auditor General (OFAG),
Drafted Performance and IT audit manuals,
Contracted the UK’s National Audit Office (NAO) to develop 14 regularity audit training modules,
Specified IT infrastructure requirements and classroom equipment for new OFAG premises,
Provided training on strategic planning for ORAGs, and
Developed functional specifications for Audit Recommendations Tracking System.
Trained 501 public officials on ethical leadership and corruption prevention strategies,
Trained 28 journalists on investigative journalism,
Assisted drafting position paper on mainstreaming anti-corruption across public service,
Supported Asset Disclosure and Registration Directorate with a directives and procedures manual,
Conducted mini-perception surveys on public outreach activities and coalition effectiveness, and
Produced expanded IT options discussion document for the Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission’s IT needs.